3 things to know for March 21: Senior Photo, Scholarships


1. Senior Class Photo

Senior Class Photo will be retaken on the football field

Senior Students need to wear their appropriate colored shirts that day.

Boys should wear grey

Girls should wear blue

Seniors will ALL go outside at the same time for the photo.

2. WCCA Scholarship

The Westmoreland County Coaches Association offers scholarships to student-athletes within Westmoreland County. Scholarships of $1000 or more have been granted to high school seniors who participate in high school athletics.  Students can see Coach Smeltzer to pick up an application.  The application must be signed by a coach who is a member of the WCCA.  DA coaches who are members: Smeltzer, Brisbane and Kelly.  They do not have to be YOUR coach in order to sign the application.

3. Scholarships Due 3/31

  • The Blairsville Masonic/Preston Martin Scholarship worth $200. This is a local scholarship, so please make sure to get the application turned in on time!
  • Breaking the Stigma Scholarship worth $1000
  • No Sweat Scholarship by Cirkled In worth $2500
  • Kochhar and Company Chartered Professional Accountant Scholarship worth $1000
  • Westmoreland County Chapter Penn State Alumni, open to the top 20% of Seniors that are going to attend PSU, worth $1500


Meatball Sub, Garden Salad, Sweet Corn, Fruit Cup or Fresh Fruit, and Milk

Labrador retriever tops American Kennel Club’s annual list of most popular dog breeds. Do you agree? Here is the list!


The live performance in our park did not reflect our core values, and we regret it took place.

Says a Disney spokesperson, condemning a performance at its Orlando theme park by a high school cheerleading squad after it received backlash for the routine’s depictions of Native Americans.

Photo: The Independent

TODAY’S NUMBER: $30 Million

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher raise $30 million in donations for Ukrainian refugees.




Happy World Poetry Day! Check out these talented poets… who perform in sign language!