Man charged with multiple felonies after evading police and possessing drugs

Man charged with multiple felonies after evading police and possessing drugs

State police reported that a Bellefonte resident was apprehended on Thursday after evading authorities in Centre County in December.

Miguel Uribe, 27, was pulled over on December 20th on I-99, near mile marker 82 in Benner Township, as stated in a press release.

According to state police, Uribe was requested to step out of the vehicle due to his suspended license. However, instead of complying, he decided to flee the scene at a high speed, thus initiating a pursuit.

According to the press release, Uribe’s pursuit was eventually called off due to the road conditions in order to ensure the safety of others. As a result, an arrest warrant was issued for Uribe.

State police have reported that they discovered Uribe’s involvement in another pursuit with the Logan Township Police Department on January 11th. Subsequently, an additional felony arrest warrant was issued for Uribe.

Uribe was apprehended on Thursday at the Roadway Inn in Logan Township, Blair County, according to the press release.

A search warrant was obtained by the state police to search Uribe’s room. During the search, they discovered around a half pound of marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, 24 packs of Suboxone, and packaging materials that are commonly used for drug distribution.

After Uribe’s arrest, it was revealed through a press release that he had thrown a gun from the vehicle during the pursuit in Centre County on December 20th.

During the search, law enforcement officers scoured the vicinity where Uribe had discarded the weapon. As a result, they successfully located and retrieved a stolen, fully loaded 9mm pistol.

Uribe is currently being held at the Blair County prison as indicated by online court dockets. He is facing a total of two felony charges of flight to avoid apprehension, two felony charges of fleeing a police officer, and one felony charge of possession with intent to deliver.

Additionally, he is charged with two counts of recklessly endangering another person, one count each of reckless driving, careless driving, failure to drive at a safe speed, failure to stop at a red signal, and failing to obey traffic control devices. Moreover, he is facing charges of driving on a suspended license, driving without a license, possession of drug paraphernalia, and two counts of possession of a controlled substance.

According to court records, Uribe’s preliminary hearing is scheduled for January 30th.

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